Consultant Service



Hydrotech Joint Stock Company has established itself as a leading provider of high-quality consulting services in the field of water technology and environmental solutions. With a team of experienced and knowledgeable experts, Hydrotech is committed to delivering advanced and effective consulting solutions for environmental and water-related projects. In this article, we will explore in-depth the various services offered by Hydrotech and the significance of these services in preserving and optimizing water resources.

1. Consulting Solutions for Water and Wastewater Treatment, and Water Supply and Drainage

1.1. Solution Consultation

Hydrotech specializes in providing comprehensive solution consultations for water and wastewater treatment, as well as water supply and drainage systems. Their experts conduct detailed assessments of project requirements, analyze existing infrastructure, and propose tailored solutions to meet specific needs. By considering factors such as water quality, efficiency, and environmental impact, Hydrotech ensures the implementation of sustainable and effective solutions.

1.2. Investment Project Development and Design

Hydrotech offers end-to-end services, including investment project development and design for water and wastewater treatment, as well as urban water supply and drainage projects. Their team collaborates closely with clients to understand their objectives and design customized plans that encompass technical designs, construction, and overall project estimates. Through meticulous planning and execution, Hydrotech ensures the successful implementation of water-related infrastructure projects.

1.3. Research and Development in Water Treatment Technology and Environmental Solutions

Hydrotech is dedicated to innovation and continually strives to improve water treatment technologies and environmental solutions. They actively engage in research and development activities to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of water treatment processes. By incorporating the latest advancements, Hydrotech ensures that their clients benefit from state-of-the-art technologies, resulting in sustainable and eco-friendly solutions.

2. BIM-Based Design Support Services

Hydrotech provides specialized design support services utilizing Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions. With BIM technology, they offer advanced design capabilities, enabling precise modeling, visualization, and simulation of water and wastewater treatment facilities. This innovative approach allows for improved coordination, reduced errors, and enhanced efficiency throughout the design and construction phases of projects.

3. Energy Development and New Technology Collaboration

Hydrotech actively engages in collaborations for energy development and new technology research in the water treatment and environmental sectors. By partnering with industry-leading organizations and research institutions, they stay at the forefront of technological advancements. This collaborative approach enables Hydrotech to offer cutting-edge solutions that address the evolving needs of the water industry, promoting sustainability and energy efficiency.

4. Energy Certification Consulting and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Hydrotech provides consulting and brokerage services for energy certification and clean development mechanisms. They assist clients in navigating the complex processes involved in obtaining energy certifications and facilitate the implementation of clean development projects. With their expertise, Hydrotech enables clients to comply with regulatory requirements, reduce carbon emissions, and contribute to sustainable development.

5. Additional Consulting Services

In addition to their core services, Hydrotech offers a range of other consulting services, including:

  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Water resource management
  • Industrial wastewater management
  • Environmental monitoring and compliance
  • Climate change adaptation strategies
HYDROTECH - Innovative solutions for water management
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